Mr. Ronald Musoke
Chief Executive Officer
Brief info
Mr. Musoke is the Chief Executive/ Principal Officer of Uganda Reinsurance Company. He also serves as an Executive Committee Member of Uganda Insurers Association and until recently was a member of the Governing Council, Chairman of the Examinations Committee and Member of the Audit & Compliance Committee of the Insurance Training College of Uganda. Mr. Musoke has served as Operations Manager at UAP General Insurance Company and Gras Savoye Uganda Insurance Brokers (now Willis Towers Watson) as General Manager/ Chief Executive. He has over 26 years’ experience in the Insurance Industry in the areas of underwriting, claims management, risk management, broking and reinsurance. Mr. Musoke holds a Masters in Business Administration from ESAMI, he is a member and an associate of the Australian & New Zealand Institute of Insurance & Finance (ANZIIF) and is a Certified Professional Insurer recognised by the same Institute. He also holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Insurance from the University of Delhi, India.